Sunday, October 21, 2012


Mister's birthday was this weekend. So naturally I threw a party. Unfortunately I had no idea how many people were going to show up. So now we have a bazillion left overs. Which is not so bad because we both like food. I tried my hand at Portillo's cake and the verdict came back as pretty dang close to the original. In reality it was a smashing success because I had never dine a two layer cake before.
Mister's mom and sister and neice came down from Chi-Town and that intimidated me. Not only was I throwing a party for friends but I now had to include and win the approval of family. Not aomwthing I'm always good at. Good times were had all around though.
And to everyone who didn't come. Shame on them. We don't live that far south. And if Mister's family can make it down four hours away, then 45 minutes is not that big of a deal.
Happy Birthday Mister!

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Mister is truly amazing. Earlier this week was really rough at work. And he brought me flowers! Every time I've looked at them since I can't help but smile.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Operation "no name" is in full swing. I thought I had an issue with the machine at first. Turns out I just didn't have the settings quite right. And then I had to switch a part out. Now the only catch is getting to work on it when Mister is not there. I'm not entirely sure it's going to be finished by the appointed day though. In which case, it shall be wrapped as is and then finished afterward. Either way, it shall be a smashing success. I'm positive of it.

Monday, October 8, 2012


As make the return two and a half state drive to the place that I call home for the time being, I find myself with lots of time for thinking. For example, why is it called a Gentleman's Club, when no one who is considered a gentleman would consider stepping foot inside the building? And. Why is Illinois the longest small state ever. It seems to take eight hours just to get through it when in reality it's about two and a half. And just to keep things interesting. For some reason the parentals new dog responds best to squirrel...

Saturday, October 6, 2012


And thus the eight hour trek is under way. I already miss Mister.

Friday, October 5, 2012


This weekend marks the first time in over three months that Mister and I won't see each other every day. I'm struggling to come to terms with this fact. But I desperately need a visit home. If for nothing else then to experience littlest brother for a day. El Madre got a dog this week. Littlest brother named the dog Tiny. Strange name for a dog, but I was expecting Kidney to make an appearance. Shows you what I know...